Why the need for education on FGM/C?
Much of the Connecticut Coalition to End FGM/C’s work pertains to educating stakeholders ( i.e. public health, human rights, child advocacy, etc.) and the community about FGM/C. This harmful practice occurs in at least 92 countries globally, including the United States. Yet, because of a lack of knowledge on the topic, it is too often ignored or not recognized as a human rights violation in Connecticut. Various organizations that are members of the Connecticut Coalition to End FGM/C have education programs on FGM/C and are able to provide trainings and informational presentations that highlight what FGM/C is, the impact of FGM/C within the United States, within Connecticut, and how to work with survivors in a culturally sensitive manner.
If you would like to request a presentation on FGM/C, contact us at info@EndFGMCinCT.org.
Presentations Given:
FGM/C in Connecticut
These presentations frame FGM/C within the context of Connecticut. and emphasize the importance of having holistic local legislation that addresses the harmful practice.
“Preventing FGM/C in Connecticut: Why Comprehensive Laws Matter”
Date: 1/25/24
Sponsored: The Connecticut Commission on the Status of Women, Children, Seniors, Equity and Opportunity; The End FGM/C U.S. Network; Equality Now; Sahiyo
Event Description: In partnership with Representative Jillian Gilchrest and the CT Coalition to End FGM/C, Equality Now, the U.S. End FGM/C Network, and Sahiyo U.S., hosted an in-person event in Hartford prior to the start of the following legislative session. This event provided information and resources for legislators and their staffs about FGM/C in the United States and the need for comprehensive state laws to end the practice. Panelists shared their experiences and lessons learned from the law reform process in other states and internationally, highlighting the important role of law in changing social norms and the significant benefits of good FGM/C laws on survivors, girls at risk, and society as a whole.
Link to Presentation:

“Moving Connecticut Ahead: Protecting Girls from Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting”
Date: 09/29/22
Sponsored: The Connecticut Coalition to End Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting; The Connecticut Commission on the Status of Women, Children, Seniors, Equity and Opportunity; Sahiyo
Event Description: In 2013, the Population Reference Bureau estimated that 2,658 women and girls in Connecticut (CT) were at risk of undergoing – or having already undergone – female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). Despite this reality, Connecticut is one of the remaining 10 U.S. states without any state-level law protecting girls from this violation of their rights.
FGM/C is a harmful social norm practiced worldwide and the United Nations has declared it a human rights violation. In Connecticut, many other human rights violations stemming from social norms have been addressed through legislation such as human trafficking, child marriage, and conversion therapy. However, Connecticut has yet to address the issue of FGM/C. This webinar explored how Connecticut could address FGM/C through legislation to protect children and support survivors.
“Presentation to The Human Anti-trafficking Response Team (HART) – FGM/C a Local Problem”
Date: 9/23/22
Presenters: Faith Vos Winkel
Event Description: An overview of FGM, its prevalence in the U.S. and Connecticut, specifics re: Connecticut data and speaking with survivors, and a request for support when legislation is introduced.
FGM/C 101 General Education
These presentations educate a range of audiences on the basics of FGM/C including what it is, who practices it, and more.
“CWCSEO Legislative Roundtable Discussion on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting”
Date: 11/6/23
Sponsored: The Connecticut Commission on the Status of Women, Children, Seniors, Equity and Opportunity; Sahiyo
Link to Presentation:

“Connecticut Public Health Association Executive Advocacy Committee Meeting”
Date: 07/16/21
Sponsored: Sahiyo
“Presentation to Connecticut Coalition on Human Rights”
Date: 04/01/21
Sponsored: Sahiyo
“Connecticut Maternal and Child Health Coalition (MCH) Meeting”
Date: 12/15/20
Sponsored: MCH Coalition; Sahiyo
Protecting Children
These presentations for child protection groups and agencies focused on intervention.
“Governor’s Task Force on Justice for Abused Children”
Date: 03/10/21
Sponsored: The Connecticut Children’s Alliance; Sahiyo
Event Description: Presentation on FGM/C and the work being done in Connecticut to the Governor’s Task Force on Justice for Abused Children
“Informational Forum on Protecting Children from Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Connecticut”
Date: 12/07/20
Sponsored: The Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity & Opportunity CT General Assembly (CWSEO); Sahiyo
Presentation Link: https://bit.ly/ProtectingChildrenForum
Trauma-Informed Care
These presentations are for those interested in learning more about best practices when speaking with or giving care to survivors.
“Treating Survivors of Female Genital Mutilation & Cutting: A Culturally Responsive and Trauma-Informed Approach”
Date: 01/12/22
Sponsored: Sahiyo
Event Description: In 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that over half a million women and girls had undergone or were at risk for undergoing female genital mutilation and cutting (FGM/C) procedures in the United States. That number was projected to rise in the decades ahead. Despite this alarming trend, many mental health providers are not familiar with FGM/C procedures or their outcomes. This training provided a firm knowledge base around what FGM/C procedures entail and addressed the physical, psychological, and psychosocial consequences of those procedures. The webinar also explored cultural perspectives on FGM/C and discussed culturally responsive and trauma-informed approaches to treating clients who have undergone FGM/C.
“FGM/C: Underacknowledged and Underrecognized in the United States”
Date: 06/03/21
Sponsored: Trauma and Gender Practice Improvement Collaborative; The Connecticut Women’s Consortium and Behavioral Health Providers; George Washington University – The Milken School of Public Health; Sahiyo
Event Description: This presentation explored female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C) in the United States and resources available for clinicians and other front-line professionals who encounter women impacted by FGM/C and looking to better understand how to provide trauma-informed care.