Legislative Briefing on FGM/C in the State of Connecticut: A Collaboration between the Connecticut Coalition

On January 13th, the Connecticut Coalition to End FGM/C hosted a legislative briefing at the Legislative Building in Hartford, CT. The briefing was held in partnership with Sahiyo, Equality Now, and the U.S. Network to End FGM/C. The briefing provided an opportunity to learn more about the topic of FGM/C and the need to pass a law protecting children from …

The Connecticut Coalition to End FGM/C Interview Series: Zehra Patwa

By Juliet Shires Recently, policy interns at Sahiyo have been interviewing members of the Connecticut (CT) Coalition to End FGM/C to learn more about its members and all the important work they contribute toward ending female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). For the first three blogs, we interviewed Jo Keogh, Caitlin LeMay, and Joanne Golden. In our third blog, Sahiyo’s policy intern, Juliet Shires, spoke to Zehra Patwa, Sahiyo U.S.’s …

The Connecticut Coalition to End FGM/C Interview Series: Joanne Golden

By Juliet Shires Recently, policy interns at Sahiyo have been interviewing members of the Connecticut (CT) Coalition to End FGM/C to learn more about coalition members’ important work toward policy creation on female genital cutting (FGC). In the first blog of the series, Sahiyo’s policy intern, Juliet Shires, interviewed the Executive Director of the U.S End FGM/C Network and CT Coalition member Caitlin LeMay. For this second blog, she …

The Connecticut Coalition to End FGM/C Interview Series: Jo Keogh

By Juliet Shires Recently, policy interns at Sahiyo have been interviewing members of the Connecticut (CT) Coalition to End FGM/C to learn more about each individual and to better understand all the important work they contribute towards ending FGM/C. The information below comes from an interview between Sahiyo’s former policy intern, Azalieh Erawoc, and CT Coalition member, Jo Keogh. Jo Keogh, a member of …