About FGM/C

FGM/C involves altering or injuring the female genitalia for non-medical reasons.

FGM/C is recognized internationally as a human rights violation that can cause negative health consequences, such as difficulties during childbirth; chronic infections; hemorrhage; severe pain during urination, menstruation, and sexual intercourse; lifelong psychological and emotional trauma; and in some cases, even death.

A prevalence study by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that in 2012 over half a million women and girls in the United States underwent FGM/C or were at risk of FGM/C.

CONNECTICUT RANKS 26TH IN THE NATION FOR AT-RISK POPULATIONS, TOTALING 2,658 at-risk girls and women. This number is expected to have grown by 50% in 2023.

Connecticut is the only state along the notorious sex trafficking corridor between Providence, RI and Atlantic City, NJ in which FGM/C is legal.

Although a federal FGM/C ban, is in place, state laws remain critical tools in preventing FGM/C. Federal law is not a substitute for state law and will not work in all instances!

  • 200 million women and girls worldwide live with FGM/C consequences.
  • FGM/C has been reported to occur in over 92 countries in the world.
  • 30 million girls under the age of 15 are at risk, including girls living in the United States.
  • 41 States have passed laws banning FGM/C, in some cases as amendments to child abuse laws. Make Connecticut number 42.
  • FGM/C is usually performed between birth and puberty.
  • FGM/C is performed for a variety of reasons, including controlling female sexuality, ensuring virginity until marriage, and securing fidelity during marriage.
  • FGM/C in many cases can be performed on young girls without anesthetics, but there is growing concern that FGM/C is being medicalized and performed by health professionals. In either situation, FGM/C can have lifelong health consequences including chronic infections, hemorrhage, severe pain during urination, menstruation, and sexual intercourse.
  • FGM/C is recognized internationally as a human rights violation, torture, and an extreme form of violence against women and girls.