Legislative Briefing on FGM/C in the State of Connecticut: A Collaboration between the Connecticut Coalition

On January 13th, the Connecticut Coalition to End FGM/C hosted a legislative briefing at the Legislative Building in Hartford, CT. The briefing was held in partnership with Sahiyo, Equality Now, and the U.S. Network to End FGM/C. The briefing provided an opportunity to learn more about the topic of FGM/C and the need to pass a law protecting children from it.  

Speakers included: 

The speakers discussed the importance of increased awareness of FGM/C as an issue local to the state of Connecticut, and the need for a specific state law against FGM/C. 

The briefing was intentionally held at the start of Connecticut’s next legislative session in order to introduce and pass a comprehensive bill protecting children from FGM/C and to create resources to support survivors.  The Lieutenant Governor and Connecticut Representatives highlighted that pressure and advocacy by local, national, and international actors would help to make passing legislation possible.

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